KORI Masahiro

KORI Masahiro

KORI Masahiro
[Belonging・Position] Current Affairs Studies Group, Area Studies Center
[Research Field] Politics and society of DPRK(North Korea)
[email] masahiro_kori E-mail
Japanese page

Previous research

I joined the JETRO Institute of Developing Economies in 2024. In my master's thesis, I studied the relationship between the legitimacy of domination and economic policy in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) by analyzing the political, economic, and social changes in the country and the shifts in its ideological discourse.

Current research projects

I am continuing my research on the relationship between the political, economic, and social situation in North Korea and the changes in its ideological discourse. I am also interested in the relationship between literature and domination in the DPRK. Previous studies have analyzed the trend of literature in the DPRK and the social reality that can be read in literary works. In addition to these kinds of studies, I am analyzing the social function of literature in the DPRK society and how it is changing by using sociological methods such as Niklas Luhmann's Social Systems Theory.

Membership of Academic Societies
Association for the Study of Korean Culture and Society