[Belonging・Position] Business and Industry Studies Group, Development Studies Center
[Research Field] Agriculture Economics
[email] Lei_Lei E-mail
Japanese page

Previous research

My research started with non-tariff trade measures in agriculture trade. Later it has shifted to trade standard compliance and now it has expanded to the broader topic of sustainable agriculture development.

I am studying sustainable agriculture development from both the production perspective, which includes climate change, pollution-adaptive technological adoption, contract farming, network studies in rural development and agriculture production, as well as the consumption prospective, which includes dietary change, purchase behavior adjustment, and the impact of climate change on migration.

Current research projects

I am currently working on the following research projects.

  1. The impact of COVID-19 on global value chains, particularly those related to the agriculture and food industries (e.g., supply chains and trade flows, consumption behavior, standard development)
  2. North-to-south and south-to-south agriculture trade