[Belonging・Position] South Asian Studies Group, Area Studies Center
[Research Field] Poverty of South Asia, Development Economics, Microfinance
[email] Mari_Nakamura E-mail
Japanese page

Previous research

I have conducted research on measures for solving poverty-related problems and their effects in South Asia, especially India. I published the results of my research on issues related to child labor and youth education and employment in rural India in “The Linkage between Education and Employment in India” and “Career Paths and Employment following Higher Education in Rural Tamil Nadu” (IDE World Trends, no. 258, 2017; in Japanese) and in Eliminating Child Labor: What We Can Do Now (coedited, Institute of Developing Economies, 2013; in Japanese). As a member of the study group on Asian convenience stores, I researched the development of convenience stores in India and summarized my findings in “The Development of Convenience Store Retailing in India” (Hiroshi Sato and Asian Convenience Store Study Group, eds, A Peek into Asia from the Perspective of Convenience Stores, Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2021).

Current research projects

Through research on convenience stores in India, I have followed developments in the modernization and digitalization of India’s retail distribution, with a particular focus on changes in the suburbs and rural areas as well as on changes in consumer behavior. I have also been paying close attention to people with low incomes and young people in rural areas as well as women’s economic activities and labor issues, which are affected by the rapid changes taking place in the Indian economy.